Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Here it is a Sunday afternoon, the sun is shining, the grass is brown, which is way better than white, and the ice that never came is almost gone. All and all it is been a nice quiet, mild winter. Life is good, mostly.

I haven't been writing too much on this particular blog, actually I haven't been writing a lot on any of my blogs, but that doesn't mean I haven't been writing. In fact, last month I actually made enough money to pay for the car insurance for the month. It's kind of nice when you can see some progress being made.

A great reference guide
from Amazon
Most of this was made from my contributions to the Yahoo Contributor Network, where I actually received a "Hot 500" bade in January for being in the top 500 list for the most active and engaging readers. I guess it pays to click on your own links huh? Actually I don't do that, they would catch on, no, I guess people actually read what I have to say.

Now the top 500 might not be so good if there are only 501 contributors and I was number 499, but the badge on my profile looks good.

So what is the point of all this you ask? The point is that I finally have accomplished something I set out to do, make money writing, again, not a lot but some. When I look at my numbers from yahoo and see that over 20,000 people read one of my articles on Barack Obama and over 17,000 read one on Ron Paul, it makes me feel darn good. Who would of thunk that when I started this blog five years ago on the old AOL that I would ever have 20,000 people read anything I wrote? (Note: Anyone who loves me may not want to read the comments, some of them aren't pretty, but that's okay, comments equal views).

It also shows that when you set your mind to it, you can reach your dreams. It might take some work, it might take some sacrifice, but when you realize that all these people out there are waiting with baited breath to read your stuff, it is all good. Okay, maybe they aren't waiting with baited breath, maybe they aren't even waiting, but no matter.

Now - how do I tell Tonya I am going to quit my job and start smoking a pipe as I write and ponder on life?


  1. Now get some of your short stories out there. They were always nice reading .

  2. Well actually I sent one off and it got rejected, maybe I'll try again but found this other stuff is way more profitable, which isn't saying much.


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