Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Musings

As I sit here at the little house on the lake I am wondering what has happened in the world today with the younger generation. I don't know why they (not all mind you) just don't seem to understand the importance of certain holidays. Being Mother's Day, obviously this is one of them, as is Father's Day. What do I mean? I'm glad you asked,

When I was a kid, and even until my mother died in 1996, we always celebrated Mother's Day. As we got older we didn't always get together, but we always called my mother, and would go out of our way to visit. It was the same with my father on Father's Day.Somewhere during this last generation, this has gotten lost. These minor holidays don't seem to mean anything to kids today.

So the question is why? I realize times have changed. When I was a kid, businesses were closed on Sunday so people were home and didn't have to work. But even as we got older, we still would make sure we called. Something has been lost. Somewhere we have changed to an "It's all about me" society. Kids seem to only care about themselves and don't realize the importance of wishing their Mom a Happy Mother's Day. Maybe life isn't the same as it was portrayed by June Cleaver and Donna Reed, but your mother is still the one who bore you, who took care of you, who loved you.
Even June Cleaver Would Forget the Juice Box: Cut Yourself Some Slack (and Still Raise Great Kids) in the Age of Extreme Parenting
Order from Amazon

I often wonder if it is the parents' fault, if it was something we did. Why did our kids switch from the way we were, respecting our parents, thinking of them before we ever thought of ourselves, to having everything be all about them? Did we give them too much? Not enough?

It is sad when we look at society today here in the US, and while in some respects it certainly has advanced, yet in others, it has not gotten better. Too many of us have lost respect for others,have lost our moral compass  and don't seem to get it. Life is short. Before you know it your parents will be gone, and then, like I do every day you will wish you still had them. You wish you could still pick up the phone and just say hi or ask for their advice.

It's too bad we don't smarten up before it's too l

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