Saturday, May 14, 2011

Confidence is king

My son said to me the other day "Dad, I learned you can do anything you want if you try hard enough and believe in yourself." You know something? he's right. Look at me, it took me a long time to understand that, but when I caught on I realized I could write and even make money doing it. Now i admit, I am not making a whole boat load of money, but I am making some.

Duncan the Wonder Dog
You mean to tell me there
is another wonder dog?
Order from Amazon
It took me a long time to get started. I thought about it for years, but it wasn't until Tonya came into my life and filled me with confidence in myself that I actually began doing it. Will I win a Pulitzer Prize or Nobel Prize. I doubt it, but if nothing else, even if I don't earn another dime, I have earned one thing, confidence. That is something I never had before.

Will I ever make enough money to do nothing but this? Maybe, maybe not, but I do love doing it. It's amazing how easy it is to type a whole bunch of stuff about nothing. Kind of like today. But it is fun.

So, as I sit here typing, with the woman sleeping on one couch and Buttons the Wonder Dog sleeping on the other, I am thinking life isn't so bad after all. Yes, it still is tough, money is tighter than ever, my job still sucks, but for the first time in a long time, I am happy, I am at peace with myself and God, so therefore, life is

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