Sunday, April 10, 2011

I Write Therefore I Think

Recently  I was asked why I like to write. Okay, I really wasn't asked that but I am going to tell you anyway. While I would love to say it is because of all the money I am making but then that isn't true. Maybe some day I will, I am trying like heck. But I enjoy it for three reasons...
Jell-O Sugar-Free Gelatin Dessert, Black Cherry, 0.3-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 24)
Need some Jell-o?

The first reason is because it gives me a chance to educate myself. My writing has forced me to read more about things which I want to write about, therefore learning new things. And learning new things is always good. I try to learn something new everyday. It also keeps my mind sharp, although I suppose the term "sharp" is a relative one. If you compare a rock to a bowl of Jell-0 then the rock is sharp, even if it doesn't have an edge. Use it or lose it is what they always say. Who exactly is "they" anyway?

The second reason I like to write is because it makes me think, rationally. Most of the time when I write I try to look at both sides of an issue and then form an opinion. While some may not agree with my opinion, which is certainly their prerogative, I also hope that it makes them think as well. If they come over to the "right" side then that is even better, but again, my mission is to make them at least think.

Finally, the third reason I write is because there is some part of me which would really like to write something that in forty years will be read in schools and analyzed and talked about. Whether it is something I may say that is a profound insight into some philosophical problem or some moral value which I spread, it doesn't matter. I look at writing as a way of preserving one's memory and legacy and to be remembered as someone who made a difference in one small way.

So if you are reading this in 2045 and your English teacher asks you to analyze it and write an essay on exactly what I meant when I wrote this, here is the answer. I mean exactly what I say, nothing more or nothing less. Let's see what kind of grade you get.

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