Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I've got to be me

It was a hot day behind the dirty windshield today, but i survived. Getting ready to head home.

I was thinking about how I've changed in the last two years today. Of course just a little over two years is when the love of my life entered into it. People say you never really change, and I believe that to a point. I don't think you can change who you are, but you can change what you hide and what you don't.

Before Tonya, I could never really be me. Some of it was becasue I was somewhat shy, I didn't have a lot of  self-confidence, and some of it was I wasn't allowed to be who I am. I can be that now. I don't have to worry if I say something which might be a little off-color to Tonya that she'll get upset. I don't have to worry about joking around about things becasue I'm worried of what she will say or think. I now have the self confidence to do things I never tried before, like this whole writing thing. She encourages me to try it.

Part of the reason for my new awareness about politics is becasue of Tonya. She doesn't make me feel like a piece of s*** becasue i want to watch a news show or research something on the Internet. Well. on the TV thing as long as it isn't when Dog is on anyway. Heck, she's even made a dog person out of me as I have mentioned before.

I thank Tonya for opening me up and allowing me to be who i am. That's all I got to say about that.

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