Monday, April 18, 2011

Signs, Signs, Everywhere are Signs

You can't save those who don't want to be saved. You can't help those who don't want to be helped. Sometimes you just have to let things go and hope they'll figure this out on their own.

 I wrote this a few years ago in my old blog, when I had first began talking to the woman with whom I now share my life with. Today is our anniversary of sorts, it is the fourth anniversary of when she came here. When I wrote those lines she was going through some bad times, and I threw her a lifeline (which for the record was also a lifeline for me). She didn't take it at first, causing me to post that entry in the blog.

When Tonya first walked up to my door, after driving 18 hours straight by herself, I knew we belonged together.  There was something there, can't explain it really, just a feeling, a very good feeling. and to this day it hasn't gone away. In fact it is stronger. There have been some struggles, she had an operation which we didn't know how would work out, we have had some financial struggles (nothing I didn't have before) and a few disagreements here and there, but we got through them and have been made stronger. 

To me this was another one of those signs from God. I haven't had many, at least that I can identify, but this was one. We were made for each other and this is proved every day. Sometimes you have to go through a lot of trials and tribulations before you are rewarded. I was rewarded when Tonya walked in the door of the little house on the lake.


  1. Well said. Too often today there are those who fear acknowledging the touch of God's hand in our lives.

  2. And I am glad for you both, Paul. The two of you deserve the happiness and companionship that you now share with each other.


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