Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sitting by the lake on a snowy afternoon

Here I sit at the little house on the lake, looking out at the cloudy sky, guessing it is going to snow, There is ice on the lake, although I am not certain it is safe yet. Buttons and Maggie the cat are sleeping in front of the stove, Maggie finally has begun to tolerate Buttons and has decided to end her self imposed exile to the bedroom and rejoin the family. Lately I have been thinking quite a bit about history, more precisely my history. I know what a surprise.

While I have always liked history, and have read quite a bit, I have never studied it, especially as it has related to me and my life. i have been wondering how I have been shaped by the events which have occurred in my life time. I never was interested in current affairs when I was involved in them and now after they have gone by, I wonder what I missed.

I remember bits and pieces, I remember things happening, like when JFK was assassinated, or Martin Luther King, the landing on the moon, Viet Nam and the falling of the Berlin Wall, but I never took the time to try to figure out what it all meant. Now I wonder how it all relates with me and my life. Did it effect my parents knowing that we were living in a time when a bomb could have dropped on us at any time? Was there really a threat that this could happen? How about the Nixon are and Watergate? How did any of this affect me?

So you're asking, "What has this got to do with the price of tea in China?" Nothing really, this is just what I do when I am sitting at the little house on the lake looking at the clouds and thinking it is going to snow, and when I am sitting behind the dirty windshield and when....

Do I sense a book coming? Probably not but one never knows! Besides it's fun to dream becasue without them what do we have?

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