Well, I''ve just spent about two hours where I should have been writing, playing with my...
BLOGS!!!! I updated both of them, changed the looks around, just trying different things. Hope you like them.
While I was sitting here, I heard a truck coming down the little dirt road to the little house on the lake. This was at about 8:00 PM. Couldn't figure out who it might be. The neighbors due tend to get alot of deliveries from UPS and FedEx, but I figured it was too late for either of them to be here. And I was right, it was the Pea Pod truck. The Pea Pod truck you ask? Why yes, the Pea Pod truck.
The Pea Pod truck is the truck that comes from one of the local Supermarket chains and it delivers groceries. You can order them online and voila, just like that they are delivered. I guess it just makes me wonder what kind of world we now live in where we don't even have time to go to the grocery store. Yes I know, in the old days when I was a kid working at my Dad's Store, I can remember driving around with Val (short for Valmore Chapdelaine) making deliveries. But it was different then. This was a small neighborhood store, where most of the people walked to the store, did their shopping then had us deliver the groceries for them. Many a time I had to walk up to the top of a three decker carrying a box full of groceries. And we did this all for free. It was also a time when most women were stay-at-home Moms, to use the politically correct term for housewives. Those were the days when life seemed so much simpler.
Those were the days when the lady of the house would come in and meet her neighbors, exchange the latest news, including the weekly update on what happened on Peyton Place that week, and actually spend time in the store. They would come to the meat counter, and tell the butcher exactly what they wanted, how thick the pork chops should be. (I remember the three French-Canadian old maids who would come in and order their pork chops in their French-Canadian accents, "We want 'em tick, so they don't broke") Somehow I don't think my neighbor can tell the butcher that on line.
These days, we go online, order the groceries, have them delivered, pay with a credit card, never talk to anyone from the store, never see anyone, just hide in out little cocoons. And this is considered progress. I just don't know.
Let me know if you like the new design.
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