Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ahh the Writer's Life

So here I sit at the little house on the lake writing. The thunderstorm which passed through about five o'clock did nothing to cool it off, just made it all the more humid. So far this year it seems we are going to be in the direct path of the storms as during all three storms I have been home for this season have rocked the house with thunder claps. It seems that the storms run in cycles, some years missing the house, some years coming right over. One thunder clap was directly over the house causing the dog to jump on my lap. I think he was trying to protect me. I never thought I would be a dog person until Buttons turned me into one.

Tonya has a new job and her hours are now 1 PM to 9 PM, so we don't get to spend much time together lately but it's a better job, so we are dealing with it. Actually its good in a way for two reasons:
  1. We appreciate each other more when we do see each other
  2. I have time to write now without feeling guilty about ignoring her.
Not that I ignore her (much) but I would rather spend time with her when she is here than be writing. So now I have three or four hours to write each night.

I have to say, since I started my other blog, It's Clear As Mud, and have been trying to make some money at it, I never realized how much time it takes to do it right. I really try to do research on what I write about and at least make it look like I know what I am talking about. I still remember the lesson I learned while and underclassmen at Nichols College, my Alma mater, "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit". How am I doing?

I have also started a series of short stories which I am going to make a collection of and self-publish them on Kindle. After doing some research I have learned you can publish whatever you like without editors, agents, etc. to tell you what to do, o reject you. You go direct to the public and if they like it they will buy it. Simple economics, if it is good it will sell, if it isn't it won't sell and you know you'll have to do better. I'll keep you informed on the progress. Oh, and the nice thing about Kindle is right now anyway, you can go to their website and download a version of it for your PC. That way you can still buy the books to read without spending the money for the device (I'm a cheap SOB).

Anyway, that's it for now, keep those cards and letters coming (especially if they are stuffed with money) and tell all your friends where to find me.

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