Saturday, October 17, 2009

Yup, I'm Still Alive

So I was thinking the other day... you know I start this blog that way alot. Anyway, I was thinking I need to get back into the writing thing. I really need to buckle down and start writing and who knows maybe I could actually do something with it. The problem is time. When you don't have alot of time to write, it's hard to write. (Now isn't that profound?) I work 11 or 12 hours a day and I get home and want to spend my time with my woman, even if it is just sitting with her and holding her. Yes I admit we are still madly in love (maybe part mad as well) who knows.

It does take alot to write a blog sometimes. Well at last if you want to write a good one. You need ideas, you need to do research, you need to sit down and write it. I have always tried to make it at least somewhat professional and that takes time. I feel like I have all this junk inside of me that wants to come out but I just don't sit and write it, I don't let it out. It's interesting also when i look back at my archives, which unfortunately aren't on this site because I never did figure out how to transfer them, that most of my writing has always been done when I was in my down periods. I don't have many of those anymore. Oh, I still do, but they don't last nearly as long or go nearly as deep. Again, that goes to having a good woman in your life.

So with all that said, I am going to try again to get this blog and my others going again. We'll see what happens, see if I have anything to say. And who knows what will happen, maybe it will turn into something big this time.


  1. Well, if you and your lady are in love and spending time together, does anything else matter? Now that I am with MY LADY here in Virginia, I am wondering the same thing!

    I mean, I enjoy blogging and all, but I have no real pretensions about reaching a huge audience and getting paid for it. Trying to write on line when the SFC is sitting on the couch doesn't seem like the thing to be doing, you know?

    It's cool. Another journal I read has faded as they have found their partner to roll with. There are others who are married and keep active out here as well. I am sure as soon as I find my way around, I will find a medium too.

    Well it is good to hear from you and that you are doing well. Take care and keep up the good stuff!!


  2. I've neglected my blogs this year too. I have been busy with life and family, but mostly I just haven't been in the mood to blog. It's good to read that you're doing well, you and your lady.

  3. I don't know why but I can't seem to comment on any other post but this one.


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