Saturday, October 24, 2009

On Death and Taxes

I’m sitting here at the little house on the lake on a cold and rainy fall morning, my woman is still in bed, the dog is sitting in the recliner, I in the other on the porch. I’m wondering where the summer went, it just seemed to fly by this year. Of course it didn’t help that the weather was pretty lousy all summer and that I was working six days a week. And looking back I wonder “For what?” I am no farther ahead than I was, if anything I may be a little further behind. My taxes have gone up, real estate taxes have doubled this last year, they revalued my property and because I live on a lake they say it is worth more than the person who doesn’t, even though I only have a small four room cottage. It is sad when you can’t afford to live in your house anymore not because of anything you have done but because of the taxes. So I continue to struggle, not sure for how much longer.

I received a pamphlet in the mail the other day urging me to vote yes on the debt exclusion for the new school, or more precisely an addition to the old school. I wonder why I should even go vote as I already know that the pro-debt exclusion crowd will flood the polls, and those of us who can not afford higher taxes will have to bit the bullet and pay more taxes. My kids have been out of school for some time now, yet I still pay for every one elses kids to go to school. I guess what bothers me the most is that thy never took care of the old school. I admit we need a new one, but we have needed one for 20 years, and why? Because they never took care of the old one, it was never “Let’s spend some money to fix it now” it has always been, “Why fix it we need a new one.” So they will refurbish it and let it run down and in 20 years, we will once again need a new one. Of course in 20 years I won’t be here, I will either be dead or in a cheaper place to live.

Speaking of being dead, my woman got me thinking the other day about what happens after we die. She is a nurse at a long term care facility (I think that is the proper term) and one of her patients, this lady was her favorite, passed away. About a week after her death, my woman had a dream and this woman came to her and told her she was okay and that she was with her husband again and all was well. I find that to be quite intriguing. I have never really known what to believe when it comes to death and even dreams. Do we dream things because we are thinking about something? Do we dream what we want to dream or do people really come to us in our dreams to give us messages? And I wonder about whether there is an after life, do we go somewhere or are we just dead? This incidence has surely got me thinking there may be some truth to the rumor that there is something out there.

I remember when my father was in his coma, I asked him to come back and let me know what was out there. I always felt that my mother was calling to him and wanted him with her. He died on their wedding anniversary. But he never gave me the sign or let me know. At least I don’t think he did, I never recognized anything as such. I do think of him almost every day and he does help me cope sometimes, he certainly has guided me through some things, maybe that is the sign, who knows?